Jude: then and now When I look back at old pictures of me in the sixties, I laugh at my caterpillar eyebrows. Plucking was not fashionable, and my face was mustachioed! Yes, we had a certain wild child charm, but look at the face of today: all depilated or contoured eyebrows, waxed, threaded or lasered, with false or chemically enhanced eyelashes. It’s okay by me. I don’t like needles, and forget the scalpel. I figure my lashes and brows are my facelift.

Ah, but my hair. I can get my glory so easily with Geo Palette color. Without going under the knife.

Colorists, look for us at the IBS on March 8, 9 and 10, at the Jacob Javits Center. Try the system and bring creativity back into your professional life.

Future clients, check out my hair color and lashes. I’ll see you there.  -JC
