I just watched Richard Gere in his new movie, Arbitrage, and despite his perfect family complete with mistress and mansion, mishandled money (read thievery) and moral ambiguity, yes, I rooted for him all the way.
He’s the best looking gray-haired hottie in the business.
But except for Richard and the gorgeous older model, Carmen, (duped out of her money by the morally bankrupt Bernie Madoff), gray hair is out, particularly for women.
Color is in, and lots of it…a pop of purple is big at Bewitched Salon in Woodmere, and the Geo Palette Color System is even bigger. Several shades in one sitting, so that blondes are richer, brunettes are more multi-dimensional, and redheads glow with gorgeousness!
Try the Geo Palette and get the best color on the planet. Call 516 374-1490 for an appointment to get color that surpasses the conventional highlight. Then go to the movies and root for Richard Gere! -JC
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