On a day of errands and boring chores, I got a compliment from my dental hygienist on my hair color, and I said thank you.
But I thought she was crazy. I hadn’t washed it in six days, (okay, I bathe daily, so don’t be judging me.)
Then a jaunt to Bloomingdale’s, and I’m stopped in the aisle. My first thought was, this undercover Bloomie’s woman thinks I’ve stolen something.
No, where did you get your color done?
Then, in the dressing room where I’m lamenting my tummy, the Bloomie’s assistant hands me a bigger size and says, “I love your hair color!”
Out at the supermarket, and it’s the check-out girl who gives me an ode to my beautiful hair.
This oily mess?
Which goes to show that Geo Palette color shines through, time after time.
But I’m washing it today.
Give the Geo Palette Color System a whirl today…compliments will follow. Go to www.geopalette.com for info. Or call Bewitched in Woodmere, NY for an appointment with praise from strangers in the street. -JC 516 374-1490 or find a certified Geo Palette salon near you.
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