The debate between the Geo Palette Color System and the traditional highlight has ended. Geo Palette strode on stage wearing his trademark black leather hat and addressed throngs of colorists in the Oval Office…Yes, the Geo Palette Color System has won!
Promising to deliver the finest color on the planet, applause was huge as he demonstrated that Geo Palette color far surpasses the highlight with its incomparable gorgeous results.
In a poll taken, only one sole person preferred the highlight to the Geo Palette. When asked why, she answered, “I miss the drips.”
Call 516 374-1490 to schedule an appointment for fabulous color. Visit Bewitched Salon in Woodmere, NY, Karisma in Tampa, Fla, Beehive Islip, or C3. Have your colorist become certified by contacting us at our website -JC
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