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Category Archives: Jude Talks Hair

Peacock prefers Geo Palette color…

Peacock preens with Geo Palette color!

Peacock preens with Geo Palette color!

A friend of mine recently told me that she is very vain…that when she leaves the salon with Geo Palette color, she expects to be looked at with admiration…she feels that good. I said, why is that bad? I told her to embrace her vanity, and just look fabulous!

So join the throng of peacocks that love their color. Tell your colorists to go to our website and purchase a Geo Palette kit so that they can get started on a fabulous color journey,  past highlights, and into the future of hair color. Or call to make an appointment with a Geo Palette certified salon in NY, Texas, California or Florida. Now start preening! -JC

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TAKE A SELFIE when you get Geo Palette color…

photo_1.PNGMy kids make fun of me when I post a selfie. I know why. I’m 62. It’s unseemly that someone my age has so much vanity. But it’s not my fault. It’s my friggin’ Geo Palette hair color. Color that’s so good, I get stopped in the street by teenagers whose eyes would normally glaze over at the sight of a “mature” lady like me.

But I’m immature, and I post selfies of my hair.

Get the Geo Palette. You’ll look so good, you’ll post a pic. -JC

Get Geo Palette color at Bewitched in Woodmere, NY by calling 516 374-1490, C3 in Port Washington, the Beehive Salon in Islip, Karizma in Tampa, Blush Salon in California, or Garbo in Austin, Texas. Salon professionals, check out our website at for the color adventure of a lifetime! Your clients, young and old, will be snapping selfies.selfieone


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“You can lead a whore to culture, but you can’t make her think…”

TulipsA beautiful glass bowl of tulips has been sitting at my desk. A client asked how I tended to them, and I replied, “Add water and try not to kill. I’m not a good horticulturalist.” He surprised me by quoting Dorothy Parker: “You can lead a whore to culture, but you can’t make her think.”

Huh? Who knew he had it in him to know the work of pithy Dorothy?

You can lead a girl to the best color in the industry, and if she’s smart, she’ll ask for the Geo Palette…multi-dimensional, rich, and simply gorgeous!

Okay, I’m not Dorothy Parker. But my mother’s name was Dorothy. Does that count? -JC

Go to, for smart clients and colorists everywhere. Stylists, select PRODUCTS, browse and buy.



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No mo’ Flo, please…the Progressive lady

get-attachment.aspxOk. I loved Flo the Progressive lady in her first few ads on television. Her retro look that took hours in the chair to create. Her teased red hair, and perky style that made me smile. Good for Stephanie Courtney earning S500,000 a year. It’s hard to be a working actress, and a national ad campaign is a blessing for any actor.

But I don’t want to look at her any more. I avert my gaze. Maybe she needs a style change. A Geo Palette color and a new look. Just saying.

Nag your hair salon and have them adopt the Geo Palette Hair System, a greener system, with no foils that strip the hair of color, and fewer touch-ups in between. Most of all, brilliant multi-tonal color that every supermarket check out girl admires, the one who never talks to anyone, but who recognizes fabulous color when she sees it. You will love it. It’s not only progressive, it’s radical. -JC


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Cameron Diaz: Could the Geo Palette save her?

I just saw Ridley Scott’s The Counselor, and watched a death scene that rivaled one that has haunted me since I was a child. In Never Give an Inch, Paul Newman’s friend is trapped by a log as the waters rise, and they try to move it. At first, they’re joking around. At the end, Paul is blowing air into his friend’s mouth with a straw. Oh, the horror. But in Prometheus, Mr. Scott has his pregnant protagonist perform her own caesarian. What did I expect? So watch The Counselor with gritted teeth and more than an ounce of amazement. For such a talky film, interjected with Breaking Bad-like Cartel nastiness, I was mesmerized. But let’s talk about Cameron Diaz, looking oh so hard at 41, (not to mention, making love to a car), and Penelope Cruz, looking gorgeous at 39. If Penelope has had work, I choose her surgeon. But Cameron needed a Geo Palette color and cut, to soften her hardness and take ten years off her age. Her body was fine. But Penelope had a softness, a femininity, a dewiness that dazzled. Yes, she was portrayed as the good girl. But she had good hair as well. So Cameron, we love you. But get the Geo Palette Color System. You will not regret it.   Call Bewitched Salon for a Geo Palette consultation. Trump Cameron until she gets around to it.
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The Solution to a Woman Sweating…

I am feeling sorry for myself, propped in front of a fan that isn’t giving me relief. Too hot to clean. Too hot to do yard work. My car is out of commission.

My friends know that I never sweat. I am sweating.

So I get a ride to the mall. I don’t like malls much, but it will do.  I have a cool drink at Starbucks while I wait for a pedicure. The area smells….air conditioned. And when I am greeted by my Korean manicurist, in all my white russian paleness with my patina of, well, perspiration, what does she say?

“I love your hair color.” Damn. That’s the Geo Palette Hair System. Great color, even when you’re in a sweat. I guess it should have put me in a good mood sooner. -JC

Colorists: go to for info about the system, and soon to be available starter kits so that you can learn the best new color system available to the hairdressing industry. Your clients will love it, and so will you. Or call 516 374-490 for an appointment in Woodmere, NY to get the Geo Palette. No sweat. Just gorgeous.

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Transform your hair color from DANDELION to ROSE with the Geo Palette

Now that our gardens are blooming again, let me plant an idea in your head about fabulous hair color that will make your own unique beauty blossom.  What am I talking about? Take your hair color from ragweed to roses—and try our new Geo Palette Hair System for hues that surpass conventional techniques with their multi-dimensional color and shine.

We’re taking the Geo Palette Hair System to Los Angeles,  CA,  on June 8th and 9th! Colorists, visit us at the Energizing Summit (the Marriott LAX), the premier coloring convention, for Geo Palette info and kit-buying. Or look for us at Blush Salon and Spa in WoodlandHills, California on June 11th…contact [email protected] for a seat! You will love it, and so will your clients. or call us at 516 374-1490 for an appointment with a garden of gorgeous hair color!

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Geo Palette Hair Color: does art imitate life?

I was washing a handful of blueberries for breakfast (in an attempt to beat back memory loss), and I was struck by the beauty of it: the cool water, the deep blue of my hasty manicure blending with the hue of the blueberry. My morning thrill.

Let’s face it. Living in the moment is the best way to keep the vagaries of life at bay…and just for a few moments, I drank in the sight of my simple masterpiece.

The Geo Palette will paint your hair like art imitating nature. It can be as natural as the sunshine, or it can become a Fauvist painting, a Futuristic dabble, even an Impressionistic gem. Hair as art, imitating nature. Call us today at 516 374-1490 for your own personalized hair art at Bewitched Salon in Woodmere…you will love it.

Or check out our website at to view our gallery of “hair as living art”.  -JC

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Does your hair color have a HANGOVER?

Have you ever visited your hair salon, asked for brand new color, and gone home and cried? Tequila doesn’t help. An attack of blindness might…but your friends will let you know that your color sucks, won’t they? And bad color in daylight spells disaster.

Try something new for spring: the Geo Palette Hair System. It’s fabulous color that lasts longer than a highlight, is kind to the environment, creates multi-dimension in your hair, and won’t give you a hangover! Daylight is your friend, and so is the mirror.

Geo Palette color: a cure for hair hangover.  The only drink you’ll need is to celebrate! Call 516 374-1490 for an appointment with one of our Geo Palette Colorists.

Celebrate spring at Bewitched in Woodmere, NY with a hair transformation! Check out for more information. One marguerita and fabulous color? Perfect. -JC

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And the Oscar for hair color goes to: The Geo Palette!

I didn’t mind Seth as much as many FB people did. As one approving viewer said, “The Oscars is turning into a Family Guy episode…that’s GREAT! And didn’t Seth sing well?
Hair was mostly old Hollywood, long waves that framed the face or that sweet sloppy look that looks homemade but isn’t.
The only bun I didn’t like was Kristin Chenweth, who was dwarfed by everyone until she sang. Her voice said, “I’m huge,” and her neck said, “Hide me next time.”

Hair color didn’t stand out, except perhaps for Jessica Chastain’s, whose red lips saved a dress that was the same color as her skin.
Extreme thinness ruled. Check out the movies of the thirties and forties for meatier beauty.
For meatier hair beauty, I suggest you get a Geo Palette….multi-dimensional, vibrant, gorgeous color that would have been crowned by an Oscar, every time., or call 516 374-1490 for an appointment at Bewitched. If your hair salon doesn’t use the Geo Palette, send your colorist to us. It’s award-winning, and you will be, too. -JC

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