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Kim Kardashian channeling Liz Taylor? Bling, boys and bye bye…

Cynics and skeptics tell me that Kim K. made bundles from her ten million dollar wedding…that she did it for the money. Certainly her mother is an excellent businesswoman, lining the Kardashian pockets with great business deals for the dynasty she created.

But Kim is in love with being in love. And being in love has little to do with living with someone. She and Elizabeth Taylor have a lot in common: a fondness for bling and boys. Liz married whomever she fell in love with, whatever the consequences. Kim liked the idea of a big wedding to a big lug who bucked her family.

Not to mention three wedding gowns. If reality shows are not reality, how come most of us could see that Kim and the Big Lug were destined to fail? Her ambition soared so far beyond him that it would never work.

What will work is hair color that is radically new. The Geo Palette Hair System is available at our flagship salon, Bewitched Salon, at Bewitched in Woodmere, and in various parts of the United States.

Call us at Bewitched Salon, at 956 Broadway, Fresh Meadows, NY, for an appointment with the Geo Palette. Color that lasts longer than Kim’s wedding…yes, longer than 72 days! -JC

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Stiletto Wars: May the force be with you.

The New York Times just published an article about Manolo Blahnik versus Christian Louboutin: classical shoes by the London designer that Carrie Bradshaw died for, or the flashier red soled heels that dangled a price tag by their very appearance.

Vanity Fair, it seems, once called every woman’s favorite phallic symbol SHOES. They have a point (no pun intended.) Put on a pair of six to eight inch heels, and you’re sure to walk like a glamor girl and feel like a star.

In a 2007 survey by Women’s Wear Daily, it seems that 37% of 2000 consumers said they would bungee-jump off the Golden Gate Bridge for a life time supply of Manolos.

I agree with Mr. Blahnik that “shoes help transform a woman.” But when we meet a person for the very first time,  do we start at the bottom or go straight to the top, meaning, do we notice the face and hair, or the feet?

Don’t get me wrong. I love my high heeled shoes, but I love my Geo Palette hair color more. Come to Bewitched Salon for transformational color that is unsurpassed, or go the website for results. Would I bungee-jump off the Golden Gate Bridge for a lifetime of Geo Palette color? Yes… and I’m terrified of heights.

Jump to Bewitched Salon at 956 Broadway, in Woodmere, NY, or call us for an appointment at 516 374-1490. High heels optional. -JC

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Off Broadway? Bad Hair Day.

Last night, I attended Abingdon Theatre’s collection of ten minute plays, called Moral Dilemma Comedies. My sister, Bara Swain, co-produced and wrote one of the pieces, and I laughed my head off.

“Spiritual Counseling”, by Jack Rushen, was a wonderfully quirky piece with my favorite star of the evening, Peter Brouwer, playing a randy man of the cloth which had me, please forgive me, in stitches. He was uproariously funny.

My sister’s piece had a terrific new actress named Danielle Bourgeois playing the part of ditzy Sheila, who did a little dance that was priceless. Bara’s work always makes me laugh. And this time, I wasn’t in it because there were no females wearing red lipstick and heels.

Will Arbery’s “A Burial” was a piece in the not so distant future about a dead man in a cubicle who goes unnoticed by his co-workers. Loved it, too.

But when the lights went on, I couldn’t help noticing in my own superficial way that most of the audience was having a bad hair day.

Which begs the question: does going to off Broadway theatre mean going gray, as well?

My name was fished out of the hat as the raffle winner by an elegant blonde who had wonderful hair, although choosing me made the raffle look downright rigged.

Don’t get me wrong. The Abingdon is giving gifted playwrights a home, and I LOVED every minute of it. And I will use my newly one subscription to the theatre, and check out the plight of the audience’s hair at intermission. So Bravo, Abingdon and bravo their talent! Go. You won’t be sorry.

For talent of another kind, come to Bewitched Salon and fix your bad hair day with the Geo Palette. Fabulous color, unsurpassed, better than the highlight, and GREEN to boot. NYC people, we are here for you. Come. It’s a subway ride away. And you won’t be sorry.
Call 516 374-1490
for an appointment
at Bewitched Salon.
956 Broadway.

Create rich drama in your hair of the highest order. And go to the theatre, too. -JC

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The Bewitched makeover: Cut, color, and dating site

A client came into Bewitched, slightly woebegone. Her husband was cheating, and they were newly separated. She was reeling from the betrayal, and felt less than desirable. Her face projected despair.

I could relate. When I asked my partner for a divorce, I remember being told that I was old, poor, and with two young children, I was not dating material. So I walked into Bewitched and asked for a makeover. A new look that would prove my husband wrong. After a cut and color, I was back in the dating world. A semi-slut in full glory. Men were easy to find, my smile returned, and I won back my self-esteem.

So Jennifer, our stylist, went to work. Drop dead gorgeous highlights, a modern haircut, subtle make-up, and a photo shoot. Our resident writer (me) took notes for a dating site, and got her up and running on the site of her choice. She walked out shining.

We’re a full service salon, which means revolutionary hair color: the Geo Palette, great cuts, waxing, manicures, pedicures, and make-up. Our goal is your happiness. Not necessarily setting you up with the man of your choice. But giving you the best possible service so that you’ll walk out of the shop, confident and beautiful, inside and out. -JC

For the Geo Palette: or visit a Geo Palette certified salon. Bewitched Salon, 956 Broadway, Bewitched in Woodmere, NY, C3 in Port Washington, Beehive Islip, Regis in Huntington (ask for Ani.)

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Has your roommate ever asked you if she could smudge your house?

Mine did. Apparently my grandmother touched the back of her head last night, and Grandma died fifteen years ago.  I told her, “Go for it. Burn those herbs and purify that space.” But Grandma was a force to be reckoned with…funny, feisty, and adorable. So smudge away, roomie, but if we’re lucky, she will haunt us forever.

Cast out any bad hair experiences with the Geo Palette Color System: color that surpasses any conventional coloring. Forget the chunks, the stripes, the highlighted patterns. Natural, subtle and simply fabulous, “smudge” your hair with the Geo Palette, and evil color spirits be gone. Or call us at Bewitched Salon to schedule an appointment with a Geo Palette artist. 956 Broadway, Fresh Meadows, NY. Burning herbs not required. -JC

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Being authentic: but what if you’re an authentic idiot?

“Being your authentic self” has been bandied about since the nineties: in self-help books, on Oprah, and lately, with politicians. But what if your authentic self is nasty? Or selfish? Or out of control?

Maybe the goal should be to become a better person. For me, I have to edit myself more (read: keep my mouth shut), be more open-minded, and learn to curb my temper. Storming out of the room doesn’t work if the person you’re mad at doesn’t follow.

My authentic self is artistic. But my authentically lazy self might not do another painting. So it takes a little more than authenticity to change my ways. It takes hard work and will-power.

Changing your hair at Bewitched Salon with the Geo Palette Hair System is easy, liberating, and revolutionary.  Make an appointment for the Geo Palette and let us bring out the authenticity that we know best…being authentically beautiful. or call us at Bewitched: 516 374-1490 for a Geo Palette appointment with George, Nichole, Jennifer, Jasmine, Antoinette, Alice or Ani. 956 Broadway, Fresh Meadows, NY. My authentic self is totally sincere. -JC

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Slut walking: What do you think?

I’m sure the Toronto policeman whose remark about women who dress like sluts inviting unwanted advances (read sexual abuse) is astounded by the movement he inadvertently caused: the slut walk.

A series of protests in which scantily dresses women take to the city streets makes the statement that women should be able to wear whatever they choose without being fearful. Our bodies, our choice, and no one has the right to make a move or a touch without our consent.

So if your daughter leaves the house with the word “slut” written across her cheek, don’t despair. We march for the cause that stirs our passion, don’t we?

On a lighter note, if you will allow me, I march for fabulous color. The Geo Palette. I’m on my umpteenth Palette, and when I hit the streets, I’m bombarded by compliments. Call me at 516 374-1490 for an appointment. Color better than the traditional foil. Nothing written on my cheek….yet.

The message? Looking fabulous.

Visit our flagship salon, Bewitched Salon at 956 Broadway, Woodmere, NY for color by our certified Geo Palette artists! Also available at Bewitched in Woodmere, Beehive in Islip, and C3 in Port Washington.

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Lying to yourself? I am.

I was standing on line in the supermarket holding my favorite sweet fix…dark chocolate pomegranates. They cost a fortune, but a friend introduced me to them, and I’ve been addicted ever since. Hey, it beats heroin, gambling, and alcohol, doesn’t it?

The very thin lady in front of me smiled (maliciously), and said, “That’s for chocolate addicts that think they’re eating something healthy. They’re lying to themselves.”

Reading the label,  I answered her weakly, “They’re a natural source of flavanol antioxidants.”

She snorted, and walked off.

So today, I bought a new bathing suit. “It looks beautiful on you,” the saleslady told me.

It does, if I don’t move a muscle, I answered.

So she lies, and I lie, and we all lie, don’t we?

Now ask yourself if your hair looks the best it can possibly look.  Look really hard, past the highlights and the lowlights and the over-processing and the roots. Does it, really?

Then come and get a Geo Palette, the most exciting, fabulous hair color ever, a system that surpasses foils: the results are brighter, subtler, with more shine and movement and more variation.

If you get the Geo Palette, you don’t have to lie to yourself about the results. You will leave our salon a more gorgeous blond with as many as four or five shades that look sun enhanced, a richer brunette with gleaming low lights, or a more radiant redhead with vibrant tonalities. Just look in the mirror.

Call us for an appointment. 516 374-1490, or stop in for a consultation at 956 Broadway
Woodmere, NY 11598.

Other palette certified salons include C3 in Port Washington, Beehive Islip, and Karisma in Tampa.

After your Geo Palette, don’t ask me how you look in your bathing suit. But ask me how I like your hair. No lies, I promise. Because I won’t have to. -JC

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Neck craning…Is it a compliment?

I was watching a beautiful blond walk past the salon when I happened to glance at a male who shall not be named, craning his neck to have a look.

I laughed, and he laughed, too. “She could use a Palette,” he said, not sheepishly at all.

“Run after her,” I told him, but he behaved decorously and settled his neck back into place.

But I’m here to tell you that if you do get your hair colored with the Geo Palette Hair System, necks will be craning, heads

will be turning, and you won’t be insulted because they will be looking at your hair.

Come to Bewitched at 956 Broadway, Woodmere, NY for a consultation.

Call us at 516 374-1490 for an appointment. Get the Geo Palette for glorious summer color.

Chiropractor fees not included. -JC

(St John’s students get a 25 percent discount!)

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ANGRY Real Housewives of NYC: Which one are you?

When I get mad, a colleague of mine says I remind her of the Countess. “Go back to your cabinet, witch,” comes to mind, a remark the Countess recently sent straight to Alex McCord’s heart on their Moroccan trip.  Okay, I admit that I’m prone to giving a quick jab myself, and sailing out the door.

Ramona recently became a basket case, unable to spar with the loud and louder Jill, and reduced to sobs while moaning, “She’s not listening to me,” over and over. Not my kind of sparring.

Sonya gets nuttier and nuttier, and tends to follow in the Countess’s footsteps, waving a hand dismissively, and fluttering off.

Kelly hates any confrontation at all, calling Alex’s anger “inauthentic” several times in a row, interspersed with “STOP! STOP!” Alex is reduced to looked bug-eyed, reminding us of Ramona’s famous runway walk.

If Jill rants, Cindy sulks. “These women are nuts!” she exclaimed the other day. You joined them, baby.

Come to Bewitched Salon for anger management by coloring your hair with the Geo Palette, our fabulous new system for coloring hair! We have vibrant reds that surpass Jill’s color, soft diffused blonds that would benefit Alex’s new modeling career, a range of color that would enhance Kelly’s image, rich classy browns that the Countess would adore. And you’ll leave ecstatic.

516 374-1490 for an appointment at Bewitched, 956 Broadway, Fresh Meadows, NY, or call our Geo Palette certified salons, Bewitched in Woodmere, C3 in Port Washington, Karisma in Tampa, or Beehive Islip. or watch our videos on Youtube at geopalette.


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