We have some very attractive women working at Bewitched, and we’ve found that when we dress all in black, rockin’ the high heels, and glance at our slenderized bodies in the mirror, we eat more!
Or, if we’re working our “spanx” and other slimming garments, we say yes to that cookie with our cup of coffee!
Or, if we’re sporting a great outfit, and a flowing top that hides our stomachs over a tight pair of skinny jeans, we feel…well, skinny. So great that we eat the bread AND butter at dinner!
There is no solution to the dilemma. Dressing to play up our strengths and hide our figure flaws will always make us look thinner. Enjoy that handful of m & m’s…and have fruit later on.
Or come to Bewitched Salon for the most fabulous color ever…www.geopalette.com. Revolutionary!
(Join us for bagels on Fridays and Saturdays…just remove the doughy part, enjoy, and get the best color any where!)
We accept