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Older and boring? Not at OUR salon…

An article in the NY Times talked about women of a certain age getting bolder hair color…no boring Upper East Side hair for them. One stylist dubbed the trend an “I’m having fun” kind of energy, with clients dipping pieces of hair in parrot-like colors. Hurrah for them!
And hurrah for us! MariaLisa Mennella at Bewitched Salon in Woodmere, NY  has been painting pieces of color on some of her sixty, seventy, and eighty year old clients, not to mention younger ones, for several years. It’s young, fun, and liberating. 

Her uncle, George Mennella, has invented a new color system, the Geo Palette, that colors hair in not one or two colors, but three, four or five. With its’ beautiful dimensionality and tonality, more and more older women are seeking out a system for coloring hair that elicits compliments with exclamation points!

Try it by calling 516 374-1490. Ask for the Geo Palette or a few pieces of heavenly color…George and MariaLisa Mennella will give you that bold, edgy style to make you feel and look years younger. -JC

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Feasting or fasting? An abundance of beauty with the Geo Palette

I went to a wake this morning, immersed in sadness and a loving family, and read the banners on the church walls.
On one side, the banner read: fast from discontent, anger, bitterness, self-concern, despair, guilt, suspicion, and laziness.
On the other, it read: feast on gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, hope, committment, truth and patience.
Good advice for all, I thought. So lose your discontent with your current hair color. Feast on gratitude for the Geo Palette. Forgive your hairdresser and have them train in the Geo Palette. Lose your bitterness with stripey highlights, and commit to the Geo Palette, just once. Don’t despair. Don’t feel guilty about leaving your hairdresser. It’s time for him to stop being lazy, and face the truth. Geo Palette hair color is the best hair color in the world. Be patient. Get an appointment. Feast on the gratitude of great hair!
Call 5216 374-1490 for an appointment at Bewitched Salon for a Geo Palette by George, MariaLisa, Nikki, or Fernando!

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Trapped in the romance of the century?

I truly enjoyed Madonna’s film, W.E., about Edward VIII’s abdication of the British throne for the twice divorced American, Wallis Simpson. It insinuates that the romance of the century may have become a prison for the two lovers, exiled from England, a floating parody of true love.
But it engrossed me, and I loved the fashion…gorgeous costumes, fabulous jewelry, much of it real, and some created by the great fashion houses just for the movie.
Actor James D’Arcy’s Edward adored Wallis, played beautifully by Andrea Riseborough. He gave up the throne for her, and opposed the will of the Royal Family and Parliament. Did love conquer all? It’s doubtful, but we may never know.
Get some gumption like Edward, and give up your hairdresser for the sake of your hair if he or she won’t learn the Geo Palette Hair System. Be passionate., and go for the glory. You are worth it. And the Queen of England won’t give a damn., call us at 516 374-1490 at Bewitched Salon for an appointment with destiny, or have your stylist become certified in the Geo Palette Hair System. Much simpler than giving up the throne. -JC

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Newsflash: Madonna cuts daughter from own film!

Madonna cut her own daughter, whose dream to become an actress will have to wait a little bit, from her own film, W.E. Ruthless for the sake of art? That’s how I see it.
Lourdes, with her own line of clothing, will get over it, don’t you think?
Be ruthless for the sake of your hair. Fire your hairdresser unless she becomes certified in the Geo Palette Color System…color that surpasses highlights with simply gorgeous results! Environmentally sound, no dulling finish with aluminum foils, and longer lasting color than any conventional methods. See or make an appointment to look beautiful by calling 516 374-1490 for Bewitched Salon in Woodmere, NY.  Salons are being certified now…make yours one of them, or cut them, like Madonna. Be ruthless. Look fabulous! -JC

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What ends a marriage more than adultery?

What brings on the demise of a marriage faster than cheating? A new poll reports that nagging reigns king (or queen) when it comes to the destruction of the marital union.

Nagging is punishment, it seems, like chalk squeaking across a blackboard, or a dentist’s drill. Nagging doesn’t stop until the damage is done, and communication grounds to a halt.

But sometimes, every once in a while, nagging is good. Do you want the most beautiful hair color on the planet, darn it? Get the Geo Palette, for heaven’s sake. Get the Geo Palette, why don’t you? Get the Geo Palette, right now! See? I’m a nag. But it won’t end your marriage, it will make you drop-dead gorgeous. It will start conversation, hasten compliments, and give your hair more shine and depth than ever before. Better than a highlight, it will enhance your life.
Visit www.geopalette for results, or call us at 516 374-1490 for an appointment at Bewitched Salon in Woodmere, or at any Geo Palette certified salon. Or depend on it,  I’ll nag you some more. -JC

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Geo Palette gives State of the Union address!

The debate between the Geo Palette Color System and the traditional highlight has ended. Geo Palette strode on stage wearing his trademark black leather hat and addressed throngs of colorists in the Oval Office…Yes, the Geo Palette Color System has won!
Promising to deliver the finest color on the planet, applause was huge as he demonstrated that Geo Palette color far surpasses the highlight with its incomparable gorgeous results.
In a poll taken, only one sole person preferred the highlight to the Geo Palette. When asked why, she answered, “I miss the drips.”
Call 516 374-1490 to schedule an appointment for fabulous color. Visit Bewitched Salon in Woodmere, NY, Karisma in Tampa, Fla, Beehive Islip, or C3. Have your colorist become certified by contacting us at our website -JC

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If Coco Chanel was a Nazi collaborator, do I buy my daughter Tempting Beige Blush by Chanel for Hanukkah?

Three books have come out about Coco Chanel, and Sleeping with the Enemy by Hal Vaughan makes me wonder if I should buy my daughter the Chanel blush she wants for Hanukkah! Her love affair with Baron Hans Gunther von Dincklage, a Nazi spy, makes a girl wonder, doesn’t it?

Does it give us enough cause not to buy a Chanel lipstick? Or a purse, for that matter?

She grew up hard, in an orphanage, and smart, in business, an opportunist in a hard scrapple world. A friend of Winston Churchill, but sleeping with the enemy…was it just a late affair with a much younger man who happened to be a Nazi? Three authors of recent books about Chanel’s personal life seem to disagree.

Perhaps we’ll never know the truth. But we do know the truth about fabulous hair color…the best ever color you will have in your life. Get the Geo Palette, at Bewitched Salon in Woodmere, or at palette certified salons. No politics involved,  just top of the line color, better than a highlight and green, to boot.

Call 516 374-1490 for an appointment. Or visit us at Bewitched, at 956 Broadway, in Woodmere, NY.  -JC

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Bentley, the Bachelorette and the Dot, Dot, Dot…

Ashley, our latest bachelorette, needs to explore her low self esteem.  We witness Bentley telling us, “I’m going to make Ashley cry tonight,” and he does. He wishes she was Emily, the winning blond from last season, confirming Ashley’s own fears.

“She’s not my type,” he tells the camera. Flash forward to Ashley after Bentley goes home, leaving behind his famous dot dot dot…”you never know” torturing her well into the next episode. A wreck under a blanket.

“He’s just not that into you?” doesn’t register. She hasn’t read the book, or seen the movie, or examined the evidence, for that matter. She “feels a connection,” and has Bentley the villain, invited back so that she can torture herself (and us) some more.

Ashley had a makeover, and she looks great. But the makeover has to start from within, doesn’t it? Perhaps the Geo Palette Color System would have given her that boost, that edge, that zap of self confidence so that she could truly kick Bentley from Seattle to the curb (with enthusiasm.) Or maybe, a good shrink should follow her fabulous hair color.

Get the Geo Palette. You won’t be a pushover, a door mat, or a whining baby. You’ll be gorgeous, and everyone will know it. Make an appointment at Bewitched: 516 374-1490

Go to geopalette on youtube for videos, or stop in at 956 Broadway, Fresh Meadow, NY to watch our slides of the Geo Palette Color System.

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Steven Tyler: Why is he our new American idol?

Let’s talk about American Idol…hmmmm. I used to watch it half-heartedly. But I’d start out with a bang and end with a whimper.

Until Steven Tyler became a judge.

I’d watched Simon Cowell, and laughed at his smartness and his ribaldry. I liked him.

I’d watched Paula Abdul, and appreciated her zaniness and her kindness. I liked her, too.

I’d watched Randy  Jackson gently “dogg” each new contestant with his own cool persona. I liked him as a buffer between mean and sweet.

But I watched half-heartedly, while I was on my exercise machine.

That is, until Steven Tyler became my new American Idol. Steven Tyler, I love.  Fresh, funny, ugly/handsome, direct. An icon in his own right, a dandy with tenderness, and his own brand of succinct smartness as he sings along with his favorites and eases their way into success or failure.

He will forever reign supreme, sitting next to Jennifer Lopez with her well-groomed beauty, flashing his wide-mouthed grin and his gleaming teeth. Watch for him.

Come to Bewitched Salon and watch for the Geo Palette Hair System, which reigns supreme as the most revolutionary new color system in the hair industry.

Check out our website,, or call us for an appointment at 516 374-1490. Also available at Bewitched in Woodmere, Karisma in Tampa and Beehive Islip Salon.

Steven, we’ll give you a Geo Palette as well. You’ll love it as much as we love you.

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Thankful? Prove it.

Okay, I’m thankful that I’m alive, that I’m still reasonably attractive, that I’m not depressed, and that I have love in my life.

So why am I always complaining?
Sure, money is tight, my kitchen has a hole in the ceiling, I’m going gray more quickly than ever, and I’m not as flexible.

But I love wearing my high heeled shoes, strutting my stuff, seeing a great movie, watching the leaves change, buying my favorite cookie from the pastry shiop and savoring it over a good cup of coffee.

So shut the hell up, me.

By the way…speaking of gray, for gorgeous color, come to Bewitched Salon in Woodmere, NY and get the revolutionary Geo Palette. Call us for an appointment at 516 374-1490 for the most cutting edge color in the world. Go to and view our results.

Come and see us. I promise you’ll be forever thankful, and you won’t hear a single complaint from me. By the way. Happy Thanksgiving to all. And I’ve cheated…the attached photo is not me, it’s my daughter. If she’s the apple and I’m the tree, I give thanks.

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