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Charlize Theron gains fifty pounds for role as mother…I eat a roll and gain five.

I just saw a zahtig Charlize Theron in Tully, a movie about the torture of having an infant and being pulled in every direction and overeating and sleep deprivation and depression, but don’t get me started. I told my pregnant daughter to avoid watching it at ALL COSTS.

Charlize gained fifty pounds for the role, because that’s what she does. She gives her all. She confessed that the weight gain was brutal, and that the overdosing of sugar and processed foods made her fall into a deep depression. I fall into a deep depression when I gain two pounds, just looking in the mirror, so I feel for her.

But when I got my color done the other day, and a fresh cut and blowout, despite the fact that I judged myself staring at my reflection, wearing the slice of pizza I’d eaten the night before, I felt like a million bucks.

So go for the Geo Palette Hair System, get pristine color with Lumetrix and George Mennella, and you won’t see the weight gain. You will simply see gorgeous hair.

Charlize, on the other hand, is skinny again. I will have spinach and a piece of palm-sized chicken for dinner. -JC

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Rescue My Hair – Moti Salon

The Geo Palette team is doing another Rescue My Hair Event.

Starting at 11am, this will be an exciting new project. If you would like to be a hair model, then apply here and email your photos to [email protected]. Make sure you include photos of your hair.

House Salon Moti Brooklyn

©Moti Maman, Brand Manager, Creative Agency
hair by moti at house salon
8512 19th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214
718-954-5449 [email protected]

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