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Homeless? Not at Bewitched…

I was thinking about compassion the other day. Some people are better at it than others.

We have a homeless man who comes into the salon for coffee. I try to get him in, and out, because he’s tall, imposing, and scares me (and our clients.) George chats with him easily, but I can’t understand a word he says.  He stands at the counter and speaks gibberish to me. Is he mentally challenged? High? Is he going to mug me?

He doesn’t. He drops a necklace on the desk and says, “This is for you.”

Again, I think, did he rip this off someone’s neck? Find it on the street? Was it his mother’s treasure? I say, “Thank you, but why don’t you give it to your girlfriend instead?” He mumbles something, retrieves the necklace, and goes away. Air freshener is necessary.

We have another man, a musician, who lives in his van all year long. He comes to the salon at the end of the day, plugs in his phone, washes up in the bathroom, and gets a shampoo, maybe once a month. We don’t know how he has survived the winter. He is erudite, pleasant, and bundled up in every item of clothing he owns.

A third person, a lady in braids and bright lipstick, stands and stares at us through the window until she gets her favorite candy…soft peppermints, not hard, which she stuffs in her knapsack. Then she leaves with a smile.

So here at Bewitched, compassion is alive. But we’re extremely passionate about the color we have achieved through the Geo Palette, George’s system of coloring hair that surpasses conventional color: multi-dimensional, radiant, revolutionary color that lasts longer.

Come to Bewitched Salon at 956 Broadway in Woodmere, NY for the Geo Palette. Call for an appointment at 516 374-1490, or go to Bewitched in Woodmere, or Beehive Islip, both certified in the Geo Palette Hair System. Compassion is key! But so is beauty…   -JC

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The most powerful woman in the world: your mother

A friend of mine was told by her daughter that she gave off negative energy, and was hard to be around. Just in time for the birth of her first grandchild. My friend was bereft, rejected by her own child.

Hmmm. I told her that when I was thirty years old and divorced from the man that my mother encouraged me to marry, I didn’t talk to her for over a year. My mother’s power made me furious. When she called me crying, I spoke briefly and hung up quickly. I dismissed her ruthlessly.

Fast forward four years. I’m in the hospital giving birth to my first baby. I stand up and faint, and the nurse tells me that when I gained consciousness, I was calling for my mother.

She was the best grandmother in the world.

So mothers and daughters that love and reject each other, your blood line is strong, irrevocable, and as red as a valentine heart.

And for Valentine’s Day pampering, get some gorgeous color with the Geo Palette Hair System at our flagship salon, Bewitched Salon, here in Woodmere, NY, also available at certified salons in Woodmere, Islip, and Tampa, Florida. Hearts will turn. Flowers will arrive. Chocolate will be given. You will never look better. Call 516 374-1490 for an appointment. Stop by and inquire, or watch the Geo Palette in action. Or check out our website, for a look. – JC

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Runway Frizz: Do we want it?

It seems that runway fashion frizz is in…but as couture can be edgy and more art than style, we haven’t put it on our menu here at Bewitched in Woodmere, NY.

But the Geo Palette Hair System is cutting edge and wearable art…gorgeous color that surpasses conventional methods. After the Geo Palette,  expect praise, compliments, and the question: where did you get your color done? No raised eyebrows, just admiration.

Try it. You’ll love it. Make an appointment at 516 374-1490

Check out our website for results. Don’t look for frizz on the menu!

On Youtube, type in George Mennella and vote for the Geo Palette on New Talent Cosmosprof. That way, we’ll see you in Bologna! JC

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New study says: Feeling good about your hair makes you healthier!

A friend and client recently told us that she left Bewitched Salon Salon with her new “do”, and felt wonderful…that rush of endorphins, a feeling of well-being.

Then she got into the car, turned on the radio, and heard a report about a new study: feeling good about your hair actually makes you physiologically healthier! Okay, so we looked up physiology, and just to get the story straight, this means that our normal bodily functions and activity are improved!

Translation: Try our fabulous Geo Palette coloring and cutting, nowhere else in the world. You will actually feel, look and BE healthier.

Happy New Year from Bewitched.

Call us at 516 374-1490 for an appointment at 956 Broadway, Fresh Meadows, NY.

Or visit Marie Lisa at Bewitched in Woodmere, NY.

Or run to the Beehive Islip Salon.

Or fly to Kelly at Karisma in Tampa, Florida.

They are all certified Geo Palette Artists.

And now, we can make you healthier! -JC

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Fashion Tip: Stripes are in…but NOT in your hair!

Coco Chanel saw the fishermen in Deauville, so the legend goes, and was enchanted by their striped boat-neck shirts made of soft  jersey.

She modernized women’s fashion, and gave them the little black dress, clusters of pearls, style and comfort.

Now stripes are back! Just not in your hair. If you leave your favorite salon with stripey highlights. go straight to Bewitched Salon for the revolutionary color system, the Geo Palette.

Get fabulous hair color and design, diffused, gorgeous, lustrous color that would have caught Coco’s eye.

Treat yourself for the holiday. Coco Chanel would approve.


The Geo Palette is available at our flagship salon, Bewitched Salon. Call us at 516 374-1490 and see our results at
Also available at Geo Palette-certified salons: Bewitched in Woodmere, NY, Karisma in Tampa, Florida, and Beehive in Islip, NY and Brooklyn.

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Un-box yourself…

We had to delete the unboxing post because a porn site got hold of it. Hey, to each his own, but here at Bewitched, we have a responsibility to beautify, enlighten, and un-box. As for your own private life, do whatever makes you happy, as long as no one is hurt. We’re big fans of chemistry.

The Geo Palette illuminates and unboxes the hair industry by coloring on geometric planes instead of vertically, culminating in hair color that is revolutionary. Come in and try it. You’ll be delighted and transformed!

We are.    Get the Geo Palette at:

Bewitched Salon956 Broadway Woodmere, NY

The Beehive Salon, Islip and Brooklyn, NY

Karisma Salon, Tampa, Florida

Bewitched, Woodmere, NY

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The Importance of the Involuntary Smile

Here at Bewitched Salon in Woodmere, after a haircut or a Geo Palette color, we watch our clients on the sly. They face the mirror, and we are looking for that certain something that we call…the involuntary smile.
It starts in the eyes. And if it isn’t there, we get this feeling of uncertainty. We need to know. We’re dying to know. Does she love her hair?
Because let’s face it. The involuntary smile is our major goal…our client beaming in the mirror, all aglow as we put the final touches on her hair. She can’t help herself…she feels that good!
The Geo Palette Color/cut System is responsible for an abundance of involuntary smiles…we’re not counting, but the air is filled with them.
Try the Geo Palette, or watch a demonstration at We know you’ll be smiling!

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If All the Hollywood Movie Stars Use it, Do You Want to?


A fifty something friend of ours went in search of a foundation at a nearby department store.
She stopped at a high-end boutique for some advice, and purchased, on a whim, a “champagne secret” potion sold to Hollywood movie starlets. “She does makeup for the stars,” said the saleslady.
The foundation was nice, not cakey, or mask-like, or unnatural in daylight.
Should she have bought it?
She did, and felt guilty.
(Maybe she should have gotten her color done instead. A color and cut with the Geo Palette is revolutionary. You won’t feel guilty. You might feel elated.), or call Bewitched Salon at 516 374-1490 for an appointment.

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