I’ve had long hair since I was seventeen, grown as a result of a catty comment following my first short Vidal Sassoon haircut…”Are you a boy or a girl?” That did it. Since then, I’ve had the Farrah Fawcett, the Cher, the Barbara Feldon, the Jennifer Aniston…I’m showing my age. But ever since, I’ve kept my hair long.
A few days ago, on a whim, I got a shorter disconnected bob with a long bang. No thought involved, except maybe for a snapshot in my head of Rene Russo with a similar look in a movie whose name I can’t remember.
Do I feel liberated? No. I feel naked, with nowhere to hide, my neck bare, my back scrawny, my backside looming. Cutting my hair has brought out every insecurity, and a few I didn’t know I had.
But I’m recovering, however slowly, because hair grows. And there’s the extra bonus of have Geo Palette Hair Color so that color AND cut are getting tons of compliments.
Get Geo Palette Hair Color, only available at certified salons. You’ll never go back to conventional color. Going long to short? We’ll talk you through it. The Geo Palette speaks for itself, with fabulous color, every time.
Call Bewitched Salon at 516 374-1490, located at 956 Broadway, Fresh Meadows, NY. Therapists invited. -JC